Friday, April 1, 2016

Swiftly Learning

I've been trying to learn how to code for years, as anyone who knows me will know. I always had a hard time until I discovered the wondrous world of iOS. I know, I know - something like C# is more versatile and something like Java is more useful but you know what? I don't care. Not right now. Swift is easy, Swift is fun, and iOS development is what I want to do, anyways. So - Swift it is!

I have purchased a ton of classes on for Swift / iOS / etc, and I'm currently working my way through iOS 9 and Swift 2: From Beginner to Paid Professional from Mark Price / It's been great, I like his teaching style.

The exercise that I'm on right now is a little game, just two dudes smackin' each other. You know, even that is an exaggeration. It's really basic but whatever - I'm learning. A friend suggested I blog my progress (blogress?!?!) so I am. Maybe. We all know how good I am at consistently updating these things.

Anyway - you can follow along, or not, but here we go.

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